Share The “Is it ok for PR to pay bloggers” debate took an interesting turn earlier this month at EVO Conference. Actually, it didn’t really take a turn at all. From what I gather (I wasn’t there, so getting it all secondhand), one of [...]
Tag Archives: earned media
The two defintions of pay to play
May 10, 2011
Share Pay to play just sounds dirty. Especially for those of us who studied journalism or PR in school and were brought up on journalistic ethics and earned media. But that was then. This is now. Seasons change. People change. I [...]
5 reasons off-topic social media posts keep your business on track
January 13, 2011
Every restaurant and bar has regulars. There’s Norm, Cliff and Dr. Krane where everybody knows your name. Homer is a regular at Moe’s Tavern. The 90210 crowd practically paid rent at the Peach Pit. All of these regulars have two things in common — 1) The passion for their hang out of choice and 2) They rarely, if ever, talked about work or school while hanging out.
IMC evolution: Sales funnel to customer journey
December 26, 2010

I’m starting to see a change in marketing mentality. Are you seeing it? It’s happening slowly — change is never a quick thing — but it’s popping up here and there. Part of it is an increased adoption of the IMC mentality. And understanding that the consumer only sees one brand position from his/her perspective so the company needs to be united on all fronts internally. That’s an extremely important business culture change that is moving at glacier speed, but at least it’s moving and we’re starting to see more and more clients nod heads when we talk about an integrated approach.
July 19, 2011