TweetShare I work in PR. I work for a PR agency. But I don’t like calling myself a PR pro. Or saying that I work in PR. Because most people don’t know what PR means. Or they have a preconceived notion of what it means that isn’t helping my or my industry’s reputation. If I [...]
Tag Archives: integrated marketing communications
If your product sucks, PR can’t help you
February 15, 2012
TweetShare This is one of those things you don’t feel like needs to be said until you work with corporate America a while and realize…boy, does this need to be said. If your product sucks, PR can’t help you. Neither can marketing, advertising or any other form of communications you can think of. If your [...]
Don’t be afraid to say no
February 9, 2012
TweetShare Don’t be afraid to say no To a deadline that doesn’t make sense. To a project you don’t have time to take on. To an idea when someone asks you if it’s valid. Being a yes man — or a yes woman — doesn’t earn you any respect. It just shows you can be [...]
10 reasons unrealistic deadlines equal crap product
February 8, 2012
TweetShare Remember demerits? When we screwed up in high school, we got a demerit. Get enough demerits and you get a detention. Demerits were the evolution of a check mark next to your name on the board when you were five. Whoever invented the Friday at 5 p.m. deadline should get a demerit. Actually, anyone [...]
3 Facebook principles every communicator must understand
January 31, 2012
TweetShare EdgeRank. Leads. News feed. EdgeRank. Leads. News feed. Say it with me. Edge Rank. Leads. News feed. Facebook is growing and evolving like crazy, so these three principles will undoubtedly grow and evolve along with it. But for now, these are three areas every communicator working in Facebook – and that should be every [...]
Working hard vs working smart
January 3, 2012
TweetShare I’m ditching my motto this year. It’s a motto I’ve believed in for a long time. But I don’t believe it anymore. There is always someone willing to work harder than you. Someone who isn’t taking breaks. Someone who will do whatever it takes to succeed. Be that someone. Let me clarify. I do [...]
Sharing my professional bucket list
December 1, 2011
TweetShare Write a book. Have it published. That would be at the top of my professional bucket list. It’s been a dream of mine for a while. I go back and forth between nonfiction and fiction. I’d love to write about corporate cultures. I find it fascinating how little attention companies pay to them and [...]
3 questions that help me define IMC
September 15, 2011
TweetShare Ask five different communicators how they define integrated marketing communications and you’re likely to get five different answers. I’ve never heard two people define it the same way. And if you look up some of the definitions you can find online, it’s really not that surprising. Because the term integrated marketing communications and the [...]
Content is “key” when it comes to integrated marketing communications
May 13, 2011
TweetShare You’ve heard “content is king.” Well, this post is all about why “content is key.” Key to making integrated marketing communications a reality for big brands. Key to helping them ditch the silos and actually approach communications strategically. Key to changing the [...]
College communications courses taking a step in right direction
April 28, 2011

TweetShare Over the past year, I have complained more than once — shocking because I never complain — about the lack of education around social media and integrated marketing communications at the college level. There are a few rock stars who have been out in front of the trends. [...]
Why you don’t need a social media agency or strategy
April 25, 2011

TweetShare Social media is a not a strategy. It is not a department. It is not a communications discipline. And it is not a type of agency…or at least it shouldn’t be. I don’t know how many times we have to address this topic. I feel like [...]
February 20, 2012