TweetShare Remember those group projects we had to do in college. It was always a group of four. You, one classmate who was fairly reliable, one who thought that everything she said turned to gold, and some dude who signed up for the class specifically because he knew the final was a group project and [...]
Tag Archives: Valerie Simon
Guest post: Selling doesn’t have to be a dirty word
March 30, 2011

TweetShare This guest post by Valerie Simon is part of an in-depth series on selling in the communications consulting world. Robert Louis Stevenson once said, “Everyone lives by selling something,” but I think most people have a fairly similar reaction to Justin when they hear the term [...]
8 questions to help explain influence
February 17, 2011

Influence is one of those raise-your-hand topics. As in, when you mention it online or offline, every person raises his/her hand because everyone has an opinion. That’s not a bad thing. The first time I heard someone mention influence, it was about as clear to me as William Shakespeare was the first time I read it. But once you’ve be’d, not be’d, done some research on the topic and developed a better understanding, how do you explain influence to a person who has never had a reason to understand it — a person like your client’s CMO?
September 20, 2011