TweetShare By now, you’ve probably seen the video. If you haven’t seen it, take a few minutes to watch. It’s good for a laugh. I mean, we’ve all wanted to put on a Starbucks apron with no shirt from time to time and [...]
Tag Archives: Sprint
5 internal communications questions you need to ask yourself
August 11, 2011
TweetShare Let me start off by saying that I’m biased. Very biased. When it comes to internal communications that is. I’m a huge advocate of it. And I think it’s the red-headed stepchild (no offense to my red-headed friends) of corporate communications. That [...]
Ducks and Eagles
July 17, 2011
TweetShare Have you heard the one about ducks and eagles? Ducks always follow the leader. One quacks, they all quack back without really thinking. On the other hand, eagles always soar. They lead and find their own way. It kind of sounds corny. [...]
Social media can’t change culture…but executives can
February 25, 2011

TweetShareSo I was sitting here thinking about what to write or whether to write at all. I mean, who sits at home and writes blog posts on a Friday night? Answer — a 31-year-old guy whose wife is out of town at a bachelorette party enjoying much warmer weather and much better drinks. Plus, this [...]
Is Quora corporate America’s answer to customer questions?
January 12, 2011
I’ve been told I’m an early adopter, but others are earlier. At adopting that is. In fact, when it comes to early adopters, I like to sleep in. Thus was the case with Quora, the new (or not so new depending on who you ask) social network based on questions. Quora’s been around for a few months, but I only heard about it two weeks ago. The amount of “I just answered this question on Quora” posts in my friends Facebook and Twitter feeds have been on the rise for those two weeks, yet I had only spent five minutes on Quora before this afternoon.
September 28, 2011